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Our Services

Estate Agency
We Assists prospective tenants to source and lease all kinds of properties. Assists individuals, organizations and corporate bodies in the disposal of or purchase of properties.

We provide professional services by assisting in determining the value of a borrower's collateral to enable him take advantage of the full value of the asset.

Investment Advice
We have acquired considerable experience in advising individuals and organizations on matters relating to property investment and management, where, how, and type of investment to be made.

Facility Management
We thus allow the organization to concentrate on its Core Service Area (CSA) by contracting out the running and administration of the support services which are contingent to the overall success of the operation.

Project Management
Our project management team aims at delivering fully satisfying projects regarding quality, performance, timing and cost-in-use.

Property Management
We also attend to tenant's complaints like repairs and carrying out such other functions that will ensure the maximization of investor's returns.

Financial Services
We render advice, in the early stage, on the preparation of the project and in effect minimizing the client's administrative time by liaising with the lenders on the taking up of security and arranging draw down facilities.

Property Asset Audits
At Wunmi Odusola & Co, our approach would have these as objectives: Identifying and investigating problems and opportunities concerned with clients' landed property management strategy, policy, markets and procedures.

Land Administration And Title Document
We help our clients in having a perfect title documents for their landed property i.e. (Governor's consent, Certificate of occupancy, Regularization of title document, Deed of Rectification.

We carryout auction on company's Assets by buying and selling of goods or services by offering them up for bids , taking bids, and then selling the items to the highest bidder.